Construction Update
Posted On: Monday June 14, 2021You may have noticed growing activity at 1002 Station Street. For the past few weeks, our Design Build partner, PCL Construction, has been pouring the temporary guide wall that will create the perimeter of the new St. Paul’s Hospital.
Pouring the guide wall Drilling trucks
What to Expect this Summer
Beginning in June, four drilling rigs will begin the months- long work of drilling secant piles along the existing guide wall. The walls are formed by the drills extracting the soil, and then filling it with concrete piles. The piles are reinforced with steel beams.
Secant piles replace pile driving, which means less noise and vibration. Here’s a video that shows a similar process to what’s happening at Station Street.
The concrete will come in on trucks using Terminal Avenue and Station Streets as their primary routes. They will leave the same way. The fill removed during drilling will also be trucked from site during this time, using the same route.
After drilling is complete, the heaving digging begins to extract the soil from within the walls. That is expected to start in September and last until early 2022. The final truck route is still being considered by the City of Vancouver and we will let you know as soon as it’s confirmed.
If you would like to speak with someone on the new St. Paul’s Hospital Project team, please email thenewstpauls@providencehealth.bc.ca.