New St. Paul’s community consultation reports now online!
Posted On: Wednesday August 31, 2016As an important part of our planning process for the new St. Paul’s, Providence Health Care is committed to engaging with patients and their families, local communities, care providers and other key stakeholders to help shape the new hospital and health care campus.
Since the project was announced in spring of 2015, Providence has met with multiple community organizations, held community forums and conducted an online survey to understand the current and future needs of the community and explore the potential effects of redevelopment. We will continue to engage throughout the entire planning process.
The information we gather is being considered in the planning process and shared with our key planning partners including the Ministry of Health, Vancouver Coastal Health, the City of Vancouver and others.
Summary reports that capture what we heard through community forums and an online questionnaire are now available on our website.
Community Forums
From February to March of 2016, Providence, in partnership with Vancouver Coastal Health, held eight community forums in the communities closest to the current and future St. Paul’s Hospital sites.
At each morning and evening forum, participants worked in facilitated groups to discuss and identify interests, recommendations, questions and concerns related to health service planning for the new St. Paul’s and the project in general. A total of 217 people attended the forums including service providers, community advocates, Aboriginal organizations, business owners, elected officials and local residents, including seniors. Doctors, nurses and other representatives from Providence, Vancouver Coastal Health and the City of Vancouver were there to give participants first-hand access to the planning and decision-making team, and to allow Providence and Vancouver Coastal Health to hear directly from the community.
A breakout session takes place at a Wave Two community forum session at Creekside Community Centre on March 9.
Primary areas of interest included:
- Health services and delivery at the future site
- Transportation and access to the new site
- Suitability of the new site
- Integration of new St. Paul’s into the community near the new site
- Health care services that will remain or be developed at the existing site and elsewhere in the West End
- Potential socio-economic impacts to the West End
- Importance of ongoing communications and engagement
View the full community forum summary report.
Online Survey
Providence, in partnership with Vancouver Coastal Health, conducted a comprehensive online survey of hospital staff, other health care workers, patients and members of the community.
Open from February 16 to March 11, 2016, the online survey asked participants to share their ideas to help shape plans for the new St. Paul’s. A total of 255 people participated with 166 fully completing the survey.
The vast majority of respondents were somewhat or very aware of the St. Paul’s Redevelopment Project, the majority had received care from St. Paul’s and felt the quality of the care was good or excellent, and most lived in the area or worked in health care.
Primary topics of interest included:
- Health services and delivery at the future site
- Transportation and access to the new site
- Suitability of the new site
- Health care services that will remain or be developed at the existing site and elsewhere in the West End
- Importance of ongoing communications and engagement
View the full online survey summary report.
How to Get Involved
Consultation and engagement will continue throughout the project. To find out how you can help shape the new St. Paul’s, please visit: thenewstpauls.ca/get-involved.